Canada is a big country and your school or group may not be close to a university or company involved in space research. But do not worry! Partners in Research Canada are part of the Space Matters Collective and we are excited that their Virtual Researcher On Call (VROC) program is available to connect your classroom, museum, or event with our Space Experts for customized, interactive video calls. The best part? VROC is available to teachers across Canada at no cost.
Our Space Experts are available to present on a variety of topics from the use of satellites to monitoring climate change to the latest missions exploring our Solar System and beyond! Typical video calls involve one or more of the following: a short presentation, informal Q&A, a demonstration, or even a virtual tour of a facility. The technical requirements are pretty simple: an internet connection and a computer or tablet with a webcam, microphone, and speakers.
Simply browse the profiles below and send an e-mail to with “Space Matters VROC Request” in the subject and the name of your desired Space Expert. The more information you can provide about your students’ previous knowledge and your goals for the video call, the better! If you have questions about VROC, check our their FAQ page here.
If you’re interested in becoming a Space Expert please complete our sign up form here.
Dr. Gordon “Oz” Osinski
Professor and NSERC/MDA/CSA/CEMI Industrial Research Chair in Earth and Space Exploration, Department of Earth Sciences; Director, Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration; University of Western Ontario, London, ON
Planetary geology, astrobiology, exploration technologies, meteorite impact craters, Mars, Moon, meteorites, Arctic
Dr. Parshati Patel
Education and Public Outreach Coordinator, Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration, Western University
Massive Stars, Planetary Disks, Star Formation, Planetary Formation, Public Education and Outreach
Dr. Catherine Neish
Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario, London, ON
Planetary geology, Astrobiology, Remote sensing, Impact cratering, Volcanism, Moon, Titan, Outer Solar System

Dr. Matthew Bourassa
Research Engineer (Department of Earth Sciences), Adjunct Professor (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering), University of Western Ontario
Orbital mechanics, space mission analysis and design, planetary exploration
Dr. Danny Bednar
Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, ON
The History of Space Exploration, How Satellites Help us Manage the Environment, Space Policy
Bidong Zhang
PhD Candidate, Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration (CPSX), University of Western Ontario, London, ON
Geochemistry, cosmochemistry and mineral physics (Raman spectroscopy)
Gavin Tolometti
PhD Student, President of the Geoscience Graduate Society, and Gradcast Committee Member, Department Earth Sciences, Center for Planetary Science and Exploration, University of Western Ontario, London, ON
Impact melt produced by impact cratering processes, and the diverse surface roughness of lava flows.
Dr. Cassandra Steer
Independent Consultant on Space Security and Space Law; Former Executive Director of the McGill Center for Research in Air and Space Law; Former Executive Director of the University of Pennsylvania Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law
Space Law, Space Defence and Security, International Law, Law of Armed Conflict
Dr. Chris Herd
Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; Curator, Meteorite Collection; Director, Institute for Space Science, Exploration and Technology; University of Alberta
Planetary geology, astromaterials, meteorites, curation methods, sample return, Mars, asteroids, comets
Dr. Nathalie Ouellette
Coordinator, Institute for Research on Exoplanets (Université de Montréal);
Outreach Scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope
Galaxy formation and evolution, Black holes, Space astronomy, Space exploration, Education and public outreach
Dr. Christa Van Laerhoven
Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia
Exoplanets, the Kuiper Belt, history of the Solar System, planet migration, orbits
Dr. Matt Russo
Director (SYSTEM Sounds), Lecturer (Department of Physics, University of Toronto), Professor (Music & Astronomy, Seneca College)
Astrophysics, music, sonification
Dr. Sara Mazrouei
Space Matters Lead, Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration, Western University
Planetary science, Space exploration, Moon, asteroids, impact craters, education and outreach.
Dr. Kim Tait
Senior Curator, Royal Ontario Museum and Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Planetary geology, mineralogy, astromaterials, meteorites, curation methods, sample return, Mars
Dr. Scott VanBommel
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Earth and Planetary Science Department, Washington University in St. Louis.
Planetary Exploration, Spectroscopy, Mars, Astronomy, Space Exploration, Rovers, Robotics.
Dr. Jesse Rogerson
Science Advisor at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.
Science communication, Quasars, Spectroscopy
Dr. Christina Smith
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science at York University, member of the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) Science Operations Team, and new Juno Participating Scientist.
Solar System planetary bodies, Planetary atmospheres, Mars, Pluto, Titan, Jupiter
Ryan Marciniak
Entrepreneur & Planetarium Presenter, Astronomy in Action.
Extragalactic Star Formation, Education (schools), Public Education
Paul Delaney
Carswell Chair for the Public Understanding of Astronomy, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University.
Astronomy, space exploration, astronomy and space history.
Tanya Kizovski
Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Toronto/Royal Ontario Museum.
Meteorites, Mars, planetary geology, mineralogy, geochemistry. Shoots electrons and lasers at Martian meteorites for a living!
Dr. John Moores
York Research Chair in Space Exploration , Director, Technologies for Exo-Planetary Science NSERC CREATE
Planetary Science
Dr. Jamil Shariff
Astrophysicist; Member of Technical Staff in the Mission Systems Department at MDA Corporation
Cosmology, Big Bang, early Universe, Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, instrumentation/robotics for space exploration & astronomy, telescopes and optics, scientific ballooning in Antarctica
Adam Philip
Senior Member of Technical Staff at MDA Robotics and Automation working on control systems for space and medical robots.
Robotics, control systems, planetary rovers, micro-satellites
Chris Langley
Staff Engineer, Guidance, Navigation, and Control, MDA Robotics and Automation
Planetary rover technology, particularly autonomous traverses. Automated planning and autonomous execution for Canadarm3
Dr. Michael Bazzocchi
Research Coordinator at University of Toronto’s Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Executive on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Space Society, Founder and President of the Trek for Teens Foundation
Asteroid Science and Engineering, Orbital Dynamics and Control, Spacecraft Formation, Orbital Debris Removal, Space Robotics, and Space Systems
Ewan Reid
President & CEO, Mission Control Space Services
Mission operations, space robotics, space systems engineering, entrepreneurship, innovation, STEM outreach